Croctober unit finished

Finished the crocs. Have to say that I really enjoyed painting these figures . It took a while to get round to them but they are done . There is room for improvement; the feet could benefit from some contrast to create a bit more visual interest, the wood grain could have been picked out and the metals need more shine. But I am at least happy with them

Crocodillus Pontifex, the Croc Pope or Master of Words.

Group shot.

The figures are in dynamic poses with long tails which protrude ( as tails are want to) however, getting them to rank up is a problem and the protruding tails are likely to bump into other figures and get scratched. The figures would probably have been better placed on larger bases; perhaps 30mm square rather than 25mm, as that might have helped with creating some space for the figures so they aren’t quite so crammed together. It will be a struggle to fit them on a movement tray were I to actually use them for “gaming”

I still have 3 Croc flingers, a chef plus the humans. I think its time to return to Westeros and finish off that project.

i went through last night and worked out what I have purchased this year and for the first time in a while I purchased more than I painted so I will knuckle down to clear the backlog. This means that I will not buy anything else this year. I will be visiting the British Museum for an exhibition tommorow

2 responses to “Croctober unit finished”

  1. Very nice job George! Particularly like how you’ve picked out the crocy abs! They’ve obviously been working out! Would make a nice unit for gaming.


    1. just need rules though. Any suggestions?


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